Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Engagement Rings and Engagements Vary

Every girl wants to have a shiny ring on her finger that tells the world she is off the market and happily in love. There are a variety of engagement rings on display at every jewelry store you enter. Since they are the big ticket items that attract a lot of attention, it is only fitting that retail stores everywhere possess a large selection of diamond engagement rings. Also, these rings are a symbol of love and affection. It is the very last big purchase a man will commit to before he marries his lovely lady. 

Some engagements are very short lived as the couple rushes into a wedding. This could be for a variety of reasons. If the woman has become pregnant, the old-fashioned way to legitimize the baby's birth is for the parents to become married before his or her birth. Another reason is simple:puppy love. A couple may meet and just swoon over each other immediately. Since they are so caught up in the excitement of a new relationship, they feel it is necessary to move the relationship along faster than usual. Why not? You only live once, so you might as well make the best out of your time here on earth.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Loose Diamonds: The Four C's

Give me only 45 seconds and I will educate you on the four basic features of loose diamonds you will need to know before purchasing one. The four C's of diamonds are easy to remember and will make you sound like a professional when you enter your local jewelry store. The first C: Cut. Many people think this is strictly the shape of the stone. False! This also refers to the facets that are cut into the stone. Facets are little lines in the stone. The create edges within the stone and reflect light. Reflecting light equals bling and chicks like bling.
The second C is Color. This is pretty self-explanatory. Most are colorless or white, but diamonds can also be black, blue, or many other colors. The third C is Clarity. Diamonds are formed deep within the earth, so it is only reasonable for them to have some damage from being exposed to such extreme pressure and heat. Flawless diamonds are very rare and are even more expensive. The final C, and arguably the most important, is Carat weight. This measures the weight of your stone. The bigger the weight, the bigger the stone. All of these factors play a role in the value and price tag of your diamond. Happy shopping!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Slide In For A Gift Home Run With Chain Slides for Christmas

The next best thing in fine jewelry design is hitting the shelves just in time for Christmas this year! Chain slides are the season’s hottest and trendiest fashion to come onto the scene, and people everywhere are sliding their way into this new jewelry craze. Taking the place of the tradition pendant, these fancy and fun slides are meant to incorporate the chain in a much more important fashion. Plus, the aesthetic is much more appealing and popular than the original loop design. 

The way these slides work is extremely simple! The slide is meant to hang directly from the chain. As in, if you have a heart slide, the chain simply goes directly through the middle of the heart and the slide can hang from it’s various sides. While hearts are among the most popular slides people are buying, there are also circle slides, snowflakes, Santa’s, initials, and a plethora of other choices to choose from.

Many of the most recent chain slide designs to come out have incorporated diamonds or gemstones. Since this is Christmas time and all, many slides are including semiprecious stones like emeralds, rubies, and even sapphires. Diamonds however are the most sought after option. Diamond encrusted heart slides, dazzling spheres of precious stones, and unique asymmetric slides can all be bought that feature these incredible gems. Whether you want a slide that incorporates the holiday fashion, or you simply want a beautiful initial for a loved one, these fashion slides will certainly make everyone on your list very happy this year!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Earring Jackets Reinvent What the Earring is All About

Some of the best ideas we can come up with for Christmas are the little, unique gifts that no one would ever imagine that our family and friends could wind up loving so much. It’s the surprise, the extra special thought, and the uniqueness of the gift that catches people off guard. We love seeing someone’s expression and reaction when they open a gift and absolutely love what they see inside. These are the kinds of presents that will be cherished and enjoyed for many, many years to come.

We all know how much women love their earrings. Hoops, pendants, and studs: they love them all! You have used this idea for gifts before. So, its no surprise that most of us don’t immediately consider this ear fashion for presents each and every time. What kind of earrings could you possibly get for the girl who already seems to have them all? Well, there is a new earring fashion that is making waves this holiday season, and they will definitely make you reconsider giving the women on your list these supremely fine jewelry pieces.

Earring jackets are the latest ear fashion to come out, and women everywhere are loving the look. By simply sliding a pair of jackets onto a pair of stud earrings, the look and feel of the original earrings is immediately transformed! You can take your favorite pair of pearl earrings and reinvent them into a festive pendant fit for any holiday affair. Turn your dazzling diamond stud earrings into winter wonderland chandeliers. Or take a pair of beautiful sapphire studs and pair them with earring jackets that are decked out in rubies, emeralds, and other festive colored gemstones!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jewelry Appraisals Help You Stay On Top of your Insurance Coverage

Did you know that, as the price of gold rises, you should also be raising your insurance coverage? Not a whole lot of people actually know this informative fact. Trust us when we tell you this: your insurance company is not going to send you a friendly notice in the mail letting you know, either. So, it is up to you to stay in the know about gold prices and insurance trends. Another good thing to be familiar with: your trusted jeweler’s jewelry appraisals services.

Most jewelers know that the holidays are prime time for buying fine jewelry, and they want to get as much business as possible before the end of the year. So, what many smart business owners will do is offer free appraisals on fine jewelry bought around Christmas time. What does this mean for you? You’ve owned your jewelry for years, and maybe you didn’t buy any of it from the specific location you want to have your valuables appraised at.

That’s okay! Business is business, and the main goal of any store is to have return customers. If a store if showcasing their awesome jewelry appraisals, they know that certain people are going to come in that only need the service and not new jewelry. So, don’t be afraid to walk in and ask them to look at your things. Most places will even let you drop off your jewelry to be evaluated while you continue running your holiday errands. By the time you’re done and return, everything can be ready and in order for your insurance.