Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Jewelry of Time - Preferred Jewelers International

When one thinks of jewelry, many will think of rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings, but not watches. Wrist and pocket watches alike deserve to be considered jewelry. You might ask why, but to me, there is a clear reason.

All jewelry of today is created as a work of wearable art. Just because watches have the additional function of telling you what the time is, doesn't make them any less a work of artistry. In many cases, a watch can surpass the artistry and value of the majority of standardized jewelry. Intricate carvings or engravings on the cover and on the back can rival the most vibrant diamond. It can inspire emotions on the level of some of the greatest paintings throughout history.

On top of the artistic value, we can't forget the skill and precision required to design, fabricate, and assemble a device with such a simple ideal, yet so complex in practice. Anyone that makes these intricate time telling machines has most likely had an amount of training and schooling to rival that of a doctor.

Just because they aren't worn on the finger, around the neck, or dangling from one's ears, doesn't mean that watches of any kind aren't jewelry. Sure, a plastic banded Casio digital watch might be a stretch in the definition, but no more than a twenty five cent plastic ring from the little candy/toy vending machines at the front of the grocery store would be.

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