Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Engagement Rings and Engagements Vary

Every girl wants to have a shiny ring on her finger that tells the world she is off the market and happily in love. There are a variety of engagement rings on display at every jewelry store you enter. Since they are the big ticket items that attract a lot of attention, it is only fitting that retail stores everywhere possess a large selection of diamond engagement rings. Also, these rings are a symbol of love and affection. It is the very last big purchase a man will commit to before he marries his lovely lady. 

Some engagements are very short lived as the couple rushes into a wedding. This could be for a variety of reasons. If the woman has become pregnant, the old-fashioned way to legitimize the baby's birth is for the parents to become married before his or her birth. Another reason is simple:puppy love. A couple may meet and just swoon over each other immediately. Since they are so caught up in the excitement of a new relationship, they feel it is necessary to move the relationship along faster than usual. Why not? You only live once, so you might as well make the best out of your time here on earth.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Loose Diamonds: The Four C's

Give me only 45 seconds and I will educate you on the four basic features of loose diamonds you will need to know before purchasing one. The four C's of diamonds are easy to remember and will make you sound like a professional when you enter your local jewelry store. The first C: Cut. Many people think this is strictly the shape of the stone. False! This also refers to the facets that are cut into the stone. Facets are little lines in the stone. The create edges within the stone and reflect light. Reflecting light equals bling and chicks like bling.
The second C is Color. This is pretty self-explanatory. Most are colorless or white, but diamonds can also be black, blue, or many other colors. The third C is Clarity. Diamonds are formed deep within the earth, so it is only reasonable for them to have some damage from being exposed to such extreme pressure and heat. Flawless diamonds are very rare and are even more expensive. The final C, and arguably the most important, is Carat weight. This measures the weight of your stone. The bigger the weight, the bigger the stone. All of these factors play a role in the value and price tag of your diamond. Happy shopping!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Slide In For A Gift Home Run With Chain Slides for Christmas

The next best thing in fine jewelry design is hitting the shelves just in time for Christmas this year! Chain slides are the season’s hottest and trendiest fashion to come onto the scene, and people everywhere are sliding their way into this new jewelry craze. Taking the place of the tradition pendant, these fancy and fun slides are meant to incorporate the chain in a much more important fashion. Plus, the aesthetic is much more appealing and popular than the original loop design. 

The way these slides work is extremely simple! The slide is meant to hang directly from the chain. As in, if you have a heart slide, the chain simply goes directly through the middle of the heart and the slide can hang from it’s various sides. While hearts are among the most popular slides people are buying, there are also circle slides, snowflakes, Santa’s, initials, and a plethora of other choices to choose from.

Many of the most recent chain slide designs to come out have incorporated diamonds or gemstones. Since this is Christmas time and all, many slides are including semiprecious stones like emeralds, rubies, and even sapphires. Diamonds however are the most sought after option. Diamond encrusted heart slides, dazzling spheres of precious stones, and unique asymmetric slides can all be bought that feature these incredible gems. Whether you want a slide that incorporates the holiday fashion, or you simply want a beautiful initial for a loved one, these fashion slides will certainly make everyone on your list very happy this year!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Earring Jackets Reinvent What the Earring is All About

Some of the best ideas we can come up with for Christmas are the little, unique gifts that no one would ever imagine that our family and friends could wind up loving so much. It’s the surprise, the extra special thought, and the uniqueness of the gift that catches people off guard. We love seeing someone’s expression and reaction when they open a gift and absolutely love what they see inside. These are the kinds of presents that will be cherished and enjoyed for many, many years to come.

We all know how much women love their earrings. Hoops, pendants, and studs: they love them all! You have used this idea for gifts before. So, its no surprise that most of us don’t immediately consider this ear fashion for presents each and every time. What kind of earrings could you possibly get for the girl who already seems to have them all? Well, there is a new earring fashion that is making waves this holiday season, and they will definitely make you reconsider giving the women on your list these supremely fine jewelry pieces.

Earring jackets are the latest ear fashion to come out, and women everywhere are loving the look. By simply sliding a pair of jackets onto a pair of stud earrings, the look and feel of the original earrings is immediately transformed! You can take your favorite pair of pearl earrings and reinvent them into a festive pendant fit for any holiday affair. Turn your dazzling diamond stud earrings into winter wonderland chandeliers. Or take a pair of beautiful sapphire studs and pair them with earring jackets that are decked out in rubies, emeralds, and other festive colored gemstones!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jewelry Appraisals Help You Stay On Top of your Insurance Coverage

Did you know that, as the price of gold rises, you should also be raising your insurance coverage? Not a whole lot of people actually know this informative fact. Trust us when we tell you this: your insurance company is not going to send you a friendly notice in the mail letting you know, either. So, it is up to you to stay in the know about gold prices and insurance trends. Another good thing to be familiar with: your trusted jeweler’s jewelry appraisals services.

Most jewelers know that the holidays are prime time for buying fine jewelry, and they want to get as much business as possible before the end of the year. So, what many smart business owners will do is offer free appraisals on fine jewelry bought around Christmas time. What does this mean for you? You’ve owned your jewelry for years, and maybe you didn’t buy any of it from the specific location you want to have your valuables appraised at.

That’s okay! Business is business, and the main goal of any store is to have return customers. If a store if showcasing their awesome jewelry appraisals, they know that certain people are going to come in that only need the service and not new jewelry. So, don’t be afraid to walk in and ask them to look at your things. Most places will even let you drop off your jewelry to be evaluated while you continue running your holiday errands. By the time you’re done and return, everything can be ready and in order for your insurance.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Women’s and Men’s Jewelry Gifts

If men think that it’s hard to come up with new present ideas for us, then they should take a look at how hard it is for us to think of new and interesting things to get them! We go to ask, and all they ever say is, “I don’t know,” or “I don’t care.” It is beyond frustrating to hear those phrases. We may not like to tell you exactly what we’re thinking, either, but at least we have the decency to leave little hints and clues around the house!

We put a lot of effort into making all of the magazines at your place magically open to the jewelry ads. There is a lot of planning and coordinating that goes into the production scenes that we act out when we just so “happen” to bump into someone we know outside the jewelry store. So, maybe we should start taking a page out of our own books. Getting our men fashionable and stylish men’s jewelry is probably the best idea we’ve given ourselves in a while.

The same jewelry stores we love to wander into from time to time also carry men’s jewelry. You never really paid them any attention before, however, because you were too busy being blinded by all of the bling you were trying on for yourself. However, if finding a unique and different gift for our man means forgoing a jewelry fashion show for our own pleasure, then we will happily do it! You gentlemen have no idea how lucky you are.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Cultural Importance of Diamond Right Hand Rings

What is it that diamond right hand rings say about us as a culture? The emerging prevalence of these types of rings in the past few decades begins highlighting a particularly interesting trend among female jewelry customers - a renewed attitude towards self-empowerment, feminist agency, and style, all attained without sacrificing or demonizing the love of the stereotypically feminine. Wearing this kind of ring on your right hand is a symbol and a reminder, for others and yourself, of your own inner power, strength, and desire to subvert harmful and toxic cultural narratives.

These rings have begun to surface as a newer sort of style, in stark contrast to the typical left handed engagement ring. Commitment and ownership, often symbolized through the patriarchal system of marriage that has been systematically used to own and control females since its institutional inception, is subverted by the right hand ring. In switching the role of a diamond ring - the right hand rings differ from engagement rings in that they are usually made up of small clusters instead of single centerpieces - we see this form of jewelry as a subtle subversion of cultural norms.

Sometimes the diamonds are laid out evenly and clustered together, and sometimes they are more sporadically laid out, evenly spaced across the band.  These jewelry pieces are all about independence. In keeping with the ideology symbolized by the right hand ring, there are no particular standardized formal rules for design type. Like the modern woman, these rings represent the opportunity for self-definition, growth, and change.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Destiny: Charm Bracelets Inevitably Bring People Together

Charm bracelets have always captivated the attention of women everywhere. They can be worn for every occasion and are the most perfect conversation starter. When you have a plethora of shiny charms dangling from your wrist, people just can't help but notice and ask questions as to how you obtained them. One story may be of when you graduated from law school and your mother gave you a charm of the scales of justice. The conversation then develops into your current practice as a divorce lawyer. This will come in handy - the lady who asked about your bracelet has been thinking of leaving her husband for quite some time and just needed a sign from the higher powers. So, when her husband had to work late one night, she decided to take her daughter up on the last minute invitation to the party you are now attending. Fate brought the two people together who are in need of one another's services.

Just like that, your beautiful charm bracelet has helped a woman out of a loveless marriage and has also given you a brand new case to start Monday morning. The jewelry we wear is a direct reflection of our personalities and lot in life. It tells the world more about you than you will ever know. You may as well be the life of the party due to your preference in jewelry, rather than your drunken shenanigans. At least this way, they will remember your dazzling style instead of your crass behavior.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Family Jewelry Should be Properly Stored and Cherished

Many women all over the world have a collection of jewelry that includes some very cherished and important pieces that have been passed down through many generations. These priceless works of art should be stored properly and given the love and affection they so desperately deserve. There is nothing worse than having a piece of family jewelry get ruined through many years of neglect. This would be such a misfortune – not only for you, but also for the many generations who will miss out on the happiness this jewelry could have offered. It is wise to properly store and clean your precious jewelry so it does not get damaged, allowing it to remain shiny and radiant for as long as it possibly can.

The first step is to purchase a jewelry box, if you do not already have one. This will provide the shelter your heirloom deserves. You must also wrap your pieces of jewelry in a soft cloth before placing them in your jewelry box. This will prevent the sacred heirlooms from bumping up against other pieces of jewelry that will surely cause scratching and other such damage. You should also clean your jewelry a few times a year. A professional jeweler will be most suitable for this job and will do so for an affordable price. You should not trust your jewelry with just anyone. Make sure you take your time in choosing your jeweler. Finding a reliable and professional jeweler will allow you to rest assured - your jewelry is in good hands.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Simple Rules For Men’s Jewelry

Let’s face it, gentlemen: you aren’t all the rock stars and music moguls you may think you are. No matter the mantra you might sing in your head, it doesn’t mean you can pull off the look that some acclaimed and famous artists can. By look, we mean jewelry fashion. Not everyone can rock a blinged-out cross or pull off the leather cuff look. Very few guys can, actually, and we’re all about it if that is the case - but only if it works!

Usually what works is this: simple. Simple, clean, and classic jewelry, like a timeless wedding band for example made from titanium or platinum. Tungsten- is also a very trendy option. Statistically,a wedding ring is the only piece of jewelry men will wear. For some other fashionable guys, however, men’s jewelry is a fun and unique way for them to stand out and express their wonderful personalities. Always keep in mind that simple is best,though!

There’s nothing worse than a guy who comes across as tacky or strange, all because of a misplaced or out-of-character piece of jewelry. You don’t like it when the ladies over-accessorize, so don’t fall victim to the same fate. You don’t want to send the wrong message, and you certainly don’t want to end up on a girl’s worst dressed list. So, match your jewelry to your outfit. Choose simple, tasteful pieces. If you do want to be just a touch flamboyant, consider calling on the fashionable eye of a close female friend. They will always tell it to you straight, especially when it comes to men’s jewelry.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Jewelry Appraisals: You Should Never Leave Home With Them

The holidays are mad rush of shopping, cooking, family gatherings, and road trips. It is incredibly easy to overlook or forget about a few things here and there. Some things, however, can end up costing you dearly in the end. Like, leaving the house unlocked during a quick trip to grocery store or forgetting to turn on the alarm before you dash out of the house on the way to the airport to go and visit the folks. Unfortunately, this puts you in harm’s way of being the victim of a nasty burglary. Every year, the number of home invasions increases dramatically around the holidays.

What is the number one thing stolen in almost every single situation? You guessed it: fine jewelry. Jewelry is easy to find, easy to stash, and even easier to pawn. So, this holiday season, we want to ask you to do one thing before you get caught up in the mad rush: take your fine jewelry to be appraised and insured! It is so incredibly easy and will save you from insurmountable regret later if the unfortunate event of a break-in should occur.

The jewelry appraisal process is a lot simpler than you might think. Plus, it takes little time at all. Find a reputable appraiser at a local jeweler or through a friend’s recommendation. When it comes to money, you can always count on those closest to you to tell you the nitty-gritty truth about their experiences with certain services, especially appraisals! Always ask an appraiser for credentials and what fees they charge before proceeding. Get a written appraisal for your own records, including any photos that were taken, the valued assessment, and the signature of the appraiser. We suggest doing this every few years, which will afford you incredible peace of mind when you leave home.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

There is Nothing Else: Diamond Engagement Rings

Every time I see the words “diamond engagement rings” and can’t help but laugh. It just seems so redundant to me. I mean, is there any other kind of engagement rings that aren’t diamond? Oh sure, I’ve heard cute stories of people, in a fir of romantic passion, fastening a ring out a nearby napkin, sliding the band off of a cigar or using the brass ring they got from the carousel to be a stand in at the moment, but you know all of those rings were pretty quickly replaced with the real deal.

It is true that the ring itself is the symbol and the use of diamonds as part of the ring is relatively new in comparison to how long rings have been used as a sign of engagement. Some people will even try to tell you that you are just falling into the commercial trap that has been set out before you. I’d actually love to meet someone that would say that to me, because my only response would be “Yeah, me and a bazillion other people.” If this is all just marketing, I want to hire their advertising agency.

In the end, the proposal isn’t about the ring, but remembers this. The memory of the proposal will fade over time, like all memories do, but the ring you gave her will be around forever. Tell me then that there is anything else that should be used in place of diamond engagement rings.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Engagement Ring Tutorial On the Four “C’s” of Diamonds

Engagement rings are on a lot of Christmas lists this holiday season! So the experts at Preferred Jewelers International want you to know exactly what to look for when shopping for the perfect ring to give to your special someone. Whether you want to find a gorgeous diamond solitaire, or a flawless eternity style ring with numerous stones, knowing about the quality of diamonds will help you in your search.

The 4 C’s of diamonds and can easily be researched online. We’ll start with Cut. The cut are the facets in the stone that determines its ability to reflect light and brilliance. Ideally you want the cut to be at a flawless depth so that the facets allow light to enter and appear like a prism in the stone. Another factor that inhibits a diamonds ability to reflect light is its Color. The color of a diamond ranges from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow).

Then there is Clarity. This pertains to any inclusions or markings. Think of them as Mother Nature’s birthmarks. The less there are, the better the clarity. Last but not least, there is Carat. This is the weight of the diamond. Diamonds that are higher in carat weight are exponentially more precious and expensive.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Do Jewelry Stores Use Special Lighting?

It is a common statement people make about almost anything that they buy, and it is all basically a version of the following statement: “It didn’t look like this in the store.” Whether it is a new haircut or a used car, people always have some sense of misgiving about it when they get home. Some of that is psychological, a feeling of what is known as “buyer’s remorse.” Even if you aren’t unhappy with what you bought, there is still a pang of guilt, especially when it comes to a big ticket item, when you think of how much it cost. Some of it is true, however. Jewelry stores are designed to make the products they are selling look attractive so you buy them. Therefore, it makes sense to ask: Do jewelers use special lighting?

In a word, yes, but it is not for any nefarious purpose. The reason they do is so that you can see all the aspects of what it is you are buying. Gem stones have special cuts and jewelers want to make sure that you can see all of the brilliance so you know that you are buying exactly what you want. Without that lighting, you wouldn’t be able to make an informed decision. Naturally, when you get home you won’t have the same lighting so you won’t see all the brilliance you saw in the store. Do jewelers use special lighting? You better believe it, and you should be happy that they do. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Engagement Rings are a Once in a Lifetime Purchase

The less often you buy something the more important it is. That may sound like a silly thought, and can be partially countered with the argument that food, which is something you buy on a regular basis, is pretty important, but when you stop and consider it, it makes sense. You need to buy a new pair of pants, so you go to the store. If it isn’t the exact pair you were looking for Engagement rings will probably still buy them anyway as long as they fit and look good. In the end pants are pants and you will buy lots of them throughout your life. Engagement rings are a horse of a different color.

In the end, you really only expect to buy one ring. That is the whole point of getting engaged and becoming married: you’re doing it once to last a lifetime. That is why when you are shopping you are not going to settle for something that is kind of okay and sort of what you are looking for. This is the big enchilada, and you need to make sure that you are getting the right affordable piece of fine jewelry. That is why, when it comes to the once in a lifetime purchase that it is, you should trust your professional jeweler. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Diamond Engagement Rings: Great Customer Service is Timeless

There are certain things that are just timeless. No matter what fads may come and go, there are traditions and practices that endure forever. From time to time people may try to change that, but in the end nothing can truly replace them. One such thing is diamond engagement rings. Think about it. Can you really imagine substituting the beauty and class of a diamond ring with anything else when it comes time to propose? Even if you can, she probably can’t, and the ring is much more for her than it is for you.

It can be intimidating when it comes time to go shopping for the ring, but it doesn’t need to be. Trust the professional jeweler who has sold thousands of affordable rings to thousands of young men, many of them more nervous than you. They will help you find the right piece of fine jewelry that will make the moment special. So when it comes to asking the question, be as bold and as brave as you want to be coming up with a romantic scenario. Make sure it is something memorable and special but make sure that the ring you give her is as traditional as the one in her dreams.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All the Small Things with Engagement Rings

Getting engaged is a very big deal. There’s shopping for engagement rings and venues and cakes and music, wedding dresses, invitations and the list goes on and on! However, it all starts with that ring, doesn’t it? Don’t get stressed out about the ring, just relax and ask yourself these simple questions and you will be on track to delving into the rest of the planning soon.

How much can I spend? The budget has to be the first thing to be determined. Don’t let anyone talk you into going higher than you can afford to go. Likewise, don’t sell yourself short and regret not spending that extra hundred for the ideal ring. Remember that you cannot measure love with the size of a diamond, but you also don’t want to disappoint. If your partner wants a carat, make sure you hold out for one, even if it means postponing the big question.

What style am I going for?  Gold or platinum? If you go for gold, 14K to 18K settings will give your ring the strength it needs for daily use. If you really need a strong setting, Platinum is the best you’ll find and well worth its price.

You’ll also have a chance to decide on if you want other gem accents. Do you want a solitaire? Pear or princess? To find out what your partner likes, simply ask a best friend or sneak a peek at other rings she owns to see if there’s a preferred style.

Finally, be sure to shop around. Talk to a few jewelers before you decide on who you trust. It’s a big deal, remember?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Loose Diamonds: Catch the Savings

One of the most cost effective ways in which to slash the price of an engagement ring these days is to buy your diamond separate. Buying loose diamonds is the most advantageous way to keep a few dollars in your rainy day fund. Pre-set rings with a stone and a setting sold together often have a higher markup. This is due to their convenience. Many soon-to-be grooms choose to make their selections fast and they want the ring to be ready when they are. This may get them down the aisle a little faster, but picking out a pre made ring does not always save you money in the long run, only time.

Since buying a loose diamond gives you an array of options, you can choose the exact stone that you prefer. This can also allow you to play with your budget a bit more than with a pre-set ring. Singular diamonds can be found through many reputable online retailers, your local jeweler and they can be acquired through estate jewelry stores, as well. Always try to buy a diamond that is certified though, as this will save you time when you insure it. Having a record of your diamond's attributes should give you a bit more confidence in your purchase. From colorless stones to warm toned solitaires, the choice will be yours. Many online sites have easy to use diamond search features. This lets the customer choose the size and grade of diamond as well as the availability in their budget range. Affordable diamonds are widely available at steep discounts. Isn't it time that you found the perfect one and saved a little cash in the process?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Getting the Best in Diamond Engagement Rings

Diamond engagement rings are peerless in their ability to make the love of your life's face light up. Such rings have become a near universal expression of how much that someone special means to you. With so much meaning and tradition behind your engagement ring, finding the right one to represent your relationship can be difficult.

Knowing your price range is very important. While tradition dictates that the groom should spend around three months of his salary on the ring, there is no need to break the bank. Even in slow economies, timeless and affordable pieces can be an option for most budgets. With a practiced eye you will be sure to find "The One".

The most important thing to keep in mind is who you are buying the ring for. Know what your soon-to-be fiancé likes, then look for styles that go well with her tastes. There are so many options for styles that cutting down what types you are looking for can help you save a lot of time.

Next, you should become familiar with the 4 C's, or cut, clarity, color and carat weight. To save some money, try looking at diamonds that are shallow but wide, allowing for a seemingly larger gem. Consider buying a diamond that is just shy of an even carat weight, when the price goes up, as it often times does at each carat.

The last step is to find a professional jeweler you trust. Have a working knowledge of diamonds and know what you are looking for and you are sure to find a few diamond engagement rings that will fit your needs.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jewelry Stores as a Family Tradition

I grew up in a tiny Southern town. If you were looking for jewelry, your options were best served heading to Nashville, but there was this tiny little jewelry store in the middle of the K-mart parking lot. It had this faded purple trim on the outside and it has been run by the same family for some five generations, three of which still worked there. The latest son to put his hand to the family trade actually designed and manufactured custom pieces in the back. He let me watch him set a ring once, after I had admitted to some junior rock-hound tendencies. 

Anyway, speaking of family traditions, ours was my mom's pot roast recipe. When my brother-in-law was stationed at the Army base next to our town (where my dad had been stationed, years ago), mom would make her roast, about once a month, and my sister, brother-in-law and their four kids would come over. Mom used to tease her and tease her until one Sunday, she decided to make a roast herself. She learned that day that she didn't have a meat thermometer. It was dry and tough and overcooked like cafeteria food, but Mom wanted to celebrate her success. She bought her a meat thermometer. So she bought one of those cheap-o metal-ringed dial thermometers and brought it to our little local jewelry shop and had it engraved with the date of the dinner and the words “You're cooking now!” So now all our engraving and jewelry needs are taken care of by that family. Do you guys have a shop your family has always gone to? Take a moment and check online and your favorite family run store just might be waiting for you.

Friday, August 23, 2013

How to Find Good Deals at Jewelry Stores

Shopping for fine jewelry can either be memorable or a nightmare depending upon how and when you shop. If you want to avoid getting taken to the cleaners, make sure you do your shopping homework. Here are some easy tips for finding the best jewelry store deals.

Try to shop around the holidays. Timing your purchase between Thanksgiving and New Years can save you thousands at jewelry stores. Even you are shopping for a birthday, anniversary or engagement ring, consider buying it during this time. It could save you thousands.

Do you understand the four C’s of diamonds? Do you know the difference between platinum and white gold? Doing your research will ensure no one take advantage of you on pricing or quality!
Many people are still struggling financially, which means there is a lot of stunning jewelry being sold at huge discounts. Ask your local jewelry stores if they have a consignment area. You can find everything from engagement rings to watches and necklaces in the consignment area.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a discount at the jewelry store. Even at name brand jewelry stores most prices are at least a little negotiable. It won’t hurt and it could save you thousands of dollars.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Purchase Elegant Diamond Engagement Rings

Are you ready to pop the question? First, you need to find the perfect diamond engagement ring! Diamonds are the perfect stone for engagement because they are strong and symbolize purity, beauty and everlasting love. Exactly how you want to represent your love! So, how do you find the perfect ring?

The easiest way to find the perfect ring is to ask your girl what she prefers. Does she want a large stone or several small ones? Would she rather have gold or silver setting? It there a particular shape of diamond she prefers? Is she sensitive to any types of metals?

If you want to keep it a surprise try asking her what she likes or dislikes about her friend’s engagement or wedding ring. That way you can get an idea of what she likes without ruining a surprise proposal! You might also consider taking along her best friend, mother or aunt. They likely know her taste in jewelry and will be able to give you advice.

Carat, color, clarity and cut are the four easiest ways to find the perfect diamond. Carat refers to the size of the stone, color refers to the color tone, clarity is how few flaws are in the diamond and cut is the way in which the stone is shaped. Color and cut are often a matter of choice while carat and clarity affect the value of the diamond itself.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Certified Loose Diamonds: Evaluation

Certified loose diamonds are evaluated by trained gemologists in labs. These industry professionals spend entire work days squinting into high powered microscopes to evaluate the quality of diamonds. When you get a certified diamond from one of these labs, you know exactly what it is worth independent from market trends and any metal into which it may be set. This is vital, especially when considering getting your jewelry insured. Any certification you can bring with you helps to make sure you get an accurate pricing.

To summarize the process, let’s do a quick overview of what determines a diamond's quality. The 4 Cs of diamond evaluation are carat weight, color, clarity and cut. Carat weight, as you might imagine, refers to the mass of the diamond as measured by a gemologist. Color refers to the presence of naturally occurring color in the diamond. Diamonds often have strains of yellow or brown in them and it is almost impossible to find a colorless diamond. Clarity refers to the amount of inclusions and imperfections of the gem. Cut is the design the diamond is faceted and proportioned. All of these factors add to the eventual quality conclusion of the diamond and have a say in its price.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Selecting the Best Place to Buy Certified Loose Diamonds

When thinking about buying diamonds that are loose, many people picture scenes from movies where a spy in a trench coat pulls out a velvet pouch filled with beautiful, sparkling stolen gems. Of course, this is not how it really works in most people's world, nor should it! There are much better places to buy certified loose diamonds to enhance jewelry that are not on the black market.

Brick and mortar jewelry stores that sell diamonds, both in setting and loosely, will be certified as legitimate sellers. Each loose diamond should have paperwork to go with it. This paperwork will list the location where the diamond was obtained, as well as the four “C's” that define a diamond's quality and value. These four items encompass the GIA grading report for diamonds. These grades include the stone's cut, color, carat, and clarity.

Diamonds may also be found at online jewelry stores. Any store's website should provide the certification information for the gemstones in a prominent location on the storefront, as well as each individual product's page. Its contact information should also be complete and easily found, in case there are any questions or concerns about the purchase. While buying diamonds through cloak and dagger scenarios make for exciting storytelling, the best place to go is a jewelry store. Before buying certified loose diamonds from any store, however, make sure that the proper paperwork and information is presented before making the purchase.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Jewelry of Time - Preferred Jewelers International

When one thinks of jewelry, many will think of rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings, but not watches. Wrist and pocket watches alike deserve to be considered jewelry. You might ask why, but to me, there is a clear reason.

All jewelry of today is created as a work of wearable art. Just because watches have the additional function of telling you what the time is, doesn't make them any less a work of artistry. In many cases, a watch can surpass the artistry and value of the majority of standardized jewelry. Intricate carvings or engravings on the cover and on the back can rival the most vibrant diamond. It can inspire emotions on the level of some of the greatest paintings throughout history.

On top of the artistic value, we can't forget the skill and precision required to design, fabricate, and assemble a device with such a simple ideal, yet so complex in practice. Anyone that makes these intricate time telling machines has most likely had an amount of training and schooling to rival that of a doctor.

Just because they aren't worn on the finger, around the neck, or dangling from one's ears, doesn't mean that watches of any kind aren't jewelry. Sure, a plastic banded Casio digital watch might be a stretch in the definition, but no more than a twenty five cent plastic ring from the little candy/toy vending machines at the front of the grocery store would be.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Biologically Inspired Fine Jewelry

For millennia, humans have looked to nature for inspiration, knowledge, and power. It is no wonder that the earliest of humankind started making personal items in the image of plants and animals that they felt had magical and mystical properties. They believed that if they had items in the shape of an animal, it would impart some of the creature's power to the owner.

Jewelry was merely an extension of this belief. Many pieces are actually fashioned out of animal bones, wood, and stone because it was readily available. These hand carved pieces of jewelry had more value to the tribes people of prehistoric times because of what they represented as opposed to what they were made of.

Today, you can find pretty much any animal or plant immortalized in gold or silver. It would seem that even in our rapid evolution and new found reliance on technology, we still like jewelry in the shape of dolphins, wolves, and even leaves. I'm guessing most people think that such items are pretty, which they are, but I would like to think that there is still some magic alive and well in the world that we draw from nature. Besides, even today in our scientifically and technologically  driven world, nature still guides our path and inspires our imaginations.

Contact us-
105 W. 23RD STREET
Tel: 850-763-4224
Fax: 850-763-5393

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Unorthodox Jewelry Stores

Everyone knows of the big name jewelry stores tucked away in strip malls or standing on their own, but if you are looking for the cutting edge, the rebellious, and the more risqué of jewelry, you'll have to look elsewhere. Where you might ask? Any tattoo and/or piercing parlor will have what you seek.

It is at these places that will have fine jewelry made for a variety of other body locations than your standard fare. Nose, eye brow, tongue, and lip rings to name a few. These are becoming more popular and more acceptable in today's culture. The same goes for the navel enhancing bellybutton rings.

One of the newest trends is that of sub-dermal implanted studs. These can be implanted pretty much anywhere on the body and appear to be standard diamond studs suspended on the skin. Popular locations for these sub-dermal implants are just beneath the clavicle or to the sides of the small of the back.

For the more adventurous of you out there, there are plenty of piercings to be had, below the belt if you will. If this is your thing, you can expect new sensations from sexual activity.

In all cases of piercings, make sure to take the cleaning and care advice from your piercing professional to avoid any unwanted side effects and lowered rejection chances. Other than that, if you're looking to escape from the run of the mill jewelry, check out your local unorthodox jewelry stores and discover a new world of possibilities.  

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Potential of Loose Diamonds

Loose diamonds are like paint in tubes awaiting to be mixed, brushed, and smeared across a blank canvas. The possibilities are endless for the paint as they are for the diamonds. Who knows what they will become. What picture will they paint? What meaning will be hidden in the resultant creation?

Will they represent love or lust in the rings they are crafted into? Will they mean the world to the one they're given to, or be forgotten as they languish away in someone's jewelry box? Might they be a reminder of a lost love or rekindle the fiery passion of an old and tired love? Will they mark a new union or celebrate a decades old one?

Only the loose diamonds will know once they are given a home and witness the love and joy of a wedding. Or the all too often divorce of an old love. Maybe they'll see the love of generations over centuries as it winds itself down the branch of a family tree as an heirloom. There are an in-numerous amount of possibilities that these precious little gems have to become. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and rings are all possible canvases for the diamonds. They only wait for a skilled artisan to apply them and become a creation that is more than the sum of its parts.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Certified Loose Diamonds: Preserve Your Memories

My mother inherited a ring from her mother.  It’s a beautiful diamond ring, but not the style of a traditional wedding ring.  It’s more of a decorative or fashion ring this is very old.  We estimate it dates back to the 1930’s so it is an antique family heirloom.  The ring was a gift from my grandfather after they were married,  and began their family with one son. He presented the gift to her just before he deployed oversees to fight in World War II.  It’s set into a platinum band with one larger stone in the middle with three stones on each side of the larger stone that are slightly smaller in size.  The problem with this precious heirloom is that the larger stone is missing.  It’s been missing for years and the ring, although having value, is not complete without the primary stone.  We were at a loss.  The family didn't know what to do until we heard about loose diamonds. We learned that we could purchase a single stone to replace the missing one.  We began our search by investigating certified loose diamonds.

Certified loose diamonds can be purchased from many jewelers, both in you local jewelry store and online.  To be certified, the diamond is inspected by the GIA or Gemological Institute of America where it is graded on cut, color, clarity and carat (the 4 C’s) and backed up with a certificate that states the GIA has certified it.