Wednesday, October 16, 2013

There is Nothing Else: Diamond Engagement Rings

Every time I see the words “diamond engagement rings” and can’t help but laugh. It just seems so redundant to me. I mean, is there any other kind of engagement rings that aren’t diamond? Oh sure, I’ve heard cute stories of people, in a fir of romantic passion, fastening a ring out a nearby napkin, sliding the band off of a cigar or using the brass ring they got from the carousel to be a stand in at the moment, but you know all of those rings were pretty quickly replaced with the real deal.

It is true that the ring itself is the symbol and the use of diamonds as part of the ring is relatively new in comparison to how long rings have been used as a sign of engagement. Some people will even try to tell you that you are just falling into the commercial trap that has been set out before you. I’d actually love to meet someone that would say that to me, because my only response would be “Yeah, me and a bazillion other people.” If this is all just marketing, I want to hire their advertising agency.

In the end, the proposal isn’t about the ring, but remembers this. The memory of the proposal will fade over time, like all memories do, but the ring you gave her will be around forever. Tell me then that there is anything else that should be used in place of diamond engagement rings.

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